1基础素体){masterpiece},{best quality},Amazing,beautiful detailed eyes,finely detail,Depth of field,extremely detailed CG,

(2女性基础){masterpiece},{best quality},{1girl},Amazing,beautiful detailed eyes,finely detail,Depth of field,extremely detailed CG,original, extremely detailed wallpaper,

(3女性基础-注视画面){masterpiece},{best quality},{1girl},Amazing,beautiful detailed eyes,finely detail,Depth of field,extremely detailed CG,original, extremely detailed wallpaper,upper body, looking at viewer,
nsfw, lowres, bad anatomy, bad hands, text, error, missing fingers, extra digit, fewer digits, cropped, worst quality, low quality, normal quality, jpeg artifacts, signature, watermark, username, blurry
{{}} ←表示强调词条
light powder inner color hair
{an extremely delicate and beautiful}:
{best quality}, {{masterpiece}}, {highres}, original, extremely detailed wallpaper, 1girl


更改服务器IP地址以便于局域网或公网访问。 进入stable-diffusion-webui/venv/lib/python3.8/site-packages/gradio文件夹打开networking.py文件,往下拉有个127.0.0.1的IP地址 更换自己本地电脑IP即可
1girl,blush,{{openmouth}},{high heels},cameltoe,nsfw,cleavage,thighhighs,blush,male focus,

{masterpiece},{best quality},{1girl},Amazing,beautiful detailed eyes,finely detail,Depth of field,extremely detailed CG,original, extremely detailed wallpaper,upper body, looking at viewer,blush,{{openmouth}},nsfw,thighhighs,cleavage,cameltoe,

thighhighs, boots, black legwear, blush, breasts, large breasts, 1girl, looking at viewer, upper body, looking back, clothes lift, ribbon, hair ornament, hair ribbon, hair bow, pink hair, long hair, bangs, hair between eyes, skirt, bare shoulders, detached sleeves, collarbone, on back, lower body, cowboy shot, from side, from below, fox tail, hakama skirt, masterpiece, best quality, ultra-detailed, illustration, disheveled hair, frills, solo, dynamic angle, big top sleeves, floating, beautiful detailed sky, on beautiful detailed water, beautiful detailed eyes, overexposure, fist, expressionless, side blunt bangs, bowtie, buttons, small breasts, detailed wet clothes, blank stare, pleated skirt, flower, yae miko_(genshin impact),